Beaver fact: “Did you know the scientific name for European beavers is Castor fiber”
Beaver fact: “Did you know, a beaver’s teeth are impregnated with IRON for strength, which makes them bright orange”
Beaver fact: “Did you know that beavers are crepuscular, meaning they come out at dawn and dusk”
Beaver fact: “Did you know beavers once lived all across Britain as far back as the ice age”
Beaver fact: “Did you know beavers never stop building and maintaining dams, their wetlands are constantly changing and evolving”
Beaver fact: “Did you know, a beaver can swim underwater for 15 minutes”
Beaver fact: “Did you know a baby beaver is called a KIT”
Beaver fact: “Did you know beavers are vegetarian, they only eat plants like brambles and trees”
Media Hub
The Lodge Cast
Beaver Trust’s podcast on nature restoration, beavers, and all things climate and conservation.
An interview with Chris Jones of the Cornwall Beaver Project

Beavers Without Borders
Beavers Without Borders
Beavers, Nature's Ecosystem Engineers
An animation for educators, explaining what a beaver is and why they’re so important in our landscape
60 second plasticine beaver! with Jim Parkyn
Get some plasticine, have a go and share your videos with us
WILD WORLD: Doorstep Discoveries
Beaver story - Tales from the Dam
Read by Anita Roy